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Drive your business
through Digital Transformation.

We provide digital services to startups and businesses, to digitise your process end to end, and support you to witness digital led business growth.


Data Analytics

We provide data visualisation service to businesses for creating imapactful dashboards and reports with KPIs associated with thier business, to bring data driven insights to execute their operations.

Data Management

We provide data engineering, big data and data warehousing services to business, to integrate data from various sources, clean and proces data to make ready for creating reports, dashboards and insights.

App Digitisation

We provide end to end digital transform service to develop mobile apps, Web portals, websites and backend engines to support applications, using modern technological stack and scalable apps on modern devops.

Digital Marketing

We provide marketing service to businesses to looking for a partner digital media.We provide service for the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication

Ready To Grow

Check Out Our Services!

We provide digital services to startups and businesses, to digitise your process end to end, and witness techical led business growth.


Your industry experience met our expertise

Begin Your Digital Transformation Journey with Stringmatrix

We provide digital services to startups and businesses, to help them digitalise thier process end to end, and support them to witness techical led business growth.


We Support Organizations to embrace the power of human and machine collaboration to become leaders.

Our Location

76-D, Udyog Vihar Phase IV, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122015 (+91) 9540879997